UX Design: A need for Business

5 min readAug 15, 2018


As rightly said by author, Alina wheeler, a companies’ website’s UX has a very critical job.

One may believe it’s essentially to create a holistic experience for the visitors of the website, one that maintains a strategic distance from the weird layouts, illogical functionality, or to confuse the journey of the user. Even though these elements make up the key parts to the executing UX plan, its actual focus lies somewhere past the basic structural upgrades.

actual objective is to make arrangements that are streamlined for the clients which ultimately gives business value for an organisation.

Unfortunately, numerous organisations are yet oblivious to the potential executing UX designs will have on their organisations worth.

But the harsh reality is that a site is confronted with a test to separate itself from hundreds of competitors it faces every day. When it fails to keep up to the level, there’s no stopping of giving away the visitor to the competitors site to buy the product.

It tends to be hard to realise the value that user experience design brings to the customer’s experience. All things considered, it’s possible to develop an application without a devoted designer, however it’s unrealistic to do it without a developer. Thus, design is frequently seen as an extra, trivial nice-to-have. Normally, companies tend to move directly to the development without the designer due to lack of time.

This perspective is rightly focused around delivering products, but it would be a fallacy to assume design require additional time, extra price burden, or is insignificant. The inverse is valid: getting the design correctly up-front can decrease the release cycle, decrease the development cost, and will result in a superior product that is simpler to use. When a greater number of users realise that one’s website’s is the most pleasing, they’ll keep returning to the website often. According to UX Passion

Companies with profoundly viable UX have expanded their income by 37%, and top UX pioneers in America beat the S&P with near triple the profits”. It’s quite clear that the companies who neglect to provide an optimal experience to their clients will end up at a huge detriment to competitors who right now use it.”

Let’s discuss some key reasons why it’s significant in hitting the business objectives and to generate business on the website

The Cost factors

Source: Pixabay

For hiring a designer, the expense require is often less than hiring a developer. Since the application will be “designed” whether a dedicated designer is hired or not, assigning these tasks to the person who specialises in design would be much more economical. The amount of money spent on changing a wireframe or model by a skilled designer is way less than refactoring the application after it has been built. Devoted designers can iterate more rapidly and proficiently than any other person in the group.

  • Focusing on UX reduces support cost by 90%
  • Its quoted that “$2 spent on UX returns $100”
  • It pays to get the user experience right up front, 50% of a developer’s time is spent doing rework
  • Correcting a User Experience error past development is up to hundred times costlier than it would have been before

Source: Pixabay

  • One of the important aspects of having a solid, strategic UX is that it can increase the conversion rate and thus increasing the revenue. By focusing on user experience, there is a sharp improvement in the conversion rate.
  • 67% of the customers are more likely to purchase on mobile friendly sites
  • According to a survey, 61% of customers move to different site if they are not able to find what they are searching for right away
  • Mobile users are five times more likely to abandon a task if the site is not optimised for the mobile

Optimised ecommerce site has seen: 30% sale increase, 50% decrease in bounce rate and 70% more products have been sold

UX can help in increasing the revenue through following ways

  • Create optimal experience for the user
  • Acting as key differentiator

Optimal experience for the user

  • Through elements like automatic redirection, providing contact information and suggesting links from the error page, UX design can help recover from error pages
  • Having a solid UX will help in facilitating the ease of navigation
  • Through UX, a trust can be built between the company and the user by using elements like humanizing, social proofing and endorsements

Acting as key differentiator

  • Customers are 15.8% less likely to switch brands when there is a good user experience
  • 40% of the customers turn to the competition after a bad experience
  • It is predicted that in a matter of few years, customer experience will move past over price and product as the most essential brand differentiator

Shorten Release cycle

Design doesn’t expand the development time since it tends to be performed in parallel. While developers are building back-end administrations or arranging architecture, the designer is caught up with creating, emphasizing and testing the wire-frames. As the design is ready to be built, the designers have the innovation set up to arrange the front end rapidly. At last, a committed designer helps in saving time by liberating the developers to concentrate on the technology rather than something that isn’t their best quality. Also, if the developers aren’t unraveling the design issues, they can get back to the improvement sooner. That ultimately result in quicker/shorter release cycle.


As said by Joel Sapolsky, “adds value faster than its cost”, investing in UX is a win-win deal for the business. All businesses need UI, yet for a site to really be incredible, it must put resources into key UX. UX design influences each section of the site, increasing the conversion rate and decreasing the customer support needed are only a piece of what a strong UX can accomplish for an organisation. A descent UX configuration will more than pay for itself by immensely expanding transformation and degrees of consistency, decreasing the expense of the customer support, staying one step ahead of the competitors and many more.

Contact us to be on the forefront of innovations coming to disrupt whole of the universe and embrace the upcoming industry shift.

This article is written by Kalyani BSc Maths student from Delhi University.

Originally published at https://www.whizzystack.com on August 15, 2018.




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